SSH CENTRE at the 7th OE4BW Eduscope: Open Science and Open Education for SSH Researchers

We are excited to announce our collaboration with the Open Education for a Better World (OE4BW) mentoring program. This initiative enrolls developers from around the globe to create and implement Open Educational Resources (OERs) aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, guided by internationally recognized mentors.  

Mojca Drevenšek, leading SSH CENTRE’s Open Science and Open Education activities, has joined the OE4BW program for 2023/24 as a project developer, working with mentor Joost Groot Kormelink from TU Delft on the project titled “SSH CENTRE: Explore Open Science and Open Education.” As part of this collaboration, Mojca participated in the OE4BW Strategic Meeting 2024 in October 2024, and presented the SSH CENTRE project and its Open Science and Open Education plans at the 7th OE4BW Eduscope 2024, taking place online on the 26th and 27th of November 2024, showcasing the OER projects developed during the 2023/2024 OE4BW Mentoring programme and bringing together educators, innovators, and open education professionals from around the world. 

As part of its activities, SSH CENTRE launched the EU-wide SSH Open Knowledge Platform in February 2024, featuring the SSH Open Library and the SSH Exploration Space. The Exploration Space covers various topics relevant to SSH and STEM researchers in sustainability projects, including Stakeholder Engagement, Knowledge Brokerage, and Open Science and Open Education. 

The Open Science and Open Education section, developed under the OE4BW mentoring program, is set to launch in early 2025. The interactive sandbox will enable SSH researchers and other interested stakeholders to explore and practice aspects like Open Access, Open Data, Open Licensing, and co-creation of OERs.  

Special attention will be given to equipping SSH Knowledge Brokers with essential skills in Open Science and Open Education, enhancing their ability to deliver effective knowledge brokerage services. 

Looking ahead, SSH CENTRE plans to offer a targeted Open Science and Open Education webinar and an open online course in 2025, aimed at SSH researchers interested in knowledge brokerage for climate, energy, and mobility projects. This training will provide the necessary skills to close the science-policy gap and enhance their knowledge brokering capabilities.  

Listen here the highlights of Mojca Drevenšek presentation

Activity led by CONS