Knowledge Brokerage participants
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Ananya Tiwari
Atlantic Technological University Galway
Andrea Capaccioli
Senior Consultant at Deep Blue, Rome
Carolina Moreno
PhD researcher at Freiburg University
Danijel Baturina
PhD researcher at University of Zagreb
Danijel Crnčec
PhD researcher at Ljubljana University
Emilie Etienne
PhD researcher at Grenoble-Alpes University
Gulfem Cevheribucak
PhD researcher at Limerick University
Hannah Hook
PhD researcher at Ghent University
Juliana Carvahlo
PhD researcher at Porto University
Laura Niessen
PhD researcher at Maastricht University
(The Netherlands)
Lluis Martínez
PhD researcher at Vrije University Brussel
Maria Kola-Bezka
PhD researcher at Nicolaus Copernicus University
Mate Lőrincz
Lecturer at Reading University
(United Kingdom)
Nathan Wood
PhD researcher at Utrech&Eindhoven University
(The Netherlands)
Nicol Stancova
PhD researcher at Charles University
Pepijn Quast
PhD researcher at Utrecht University
Rebecca Rossetti
PhD researcher at Bologna University
Rihab Khalid
Research fellow at Cambridge University
(United Kingdom)
Shary Heuninck
PhD researcher at Brussel University
Timothy Marcroft
PhD researcher at West University
Valentin Aubois
PhD researcher at Tours University
Yann Robiou
PhD researcher at Utrecht University
(The Netherlands)
Alexander Novikau
PhD researcher at Sarajevo University
(Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Jessica Zaphiropoulo
PhD at Grenoble -Alpes University
Emma Lawlor
PhD researcher at Glasgow University
Mihajlo Djukic
PhD researcher at Belgrade Institut of Economic Sciences
Sarah Kilpeläinen
PhD researcher at Tampere University
María Alonso
Member of CambiaMo Changing Mobility, Madrid
Alexandra Tsatsou
PhD researcher at Athens University
Kanika Tuteja
member of Troyes University