Running the training
We ran a week-long training course to introduce participants to knowledge brokerage concepts, tools, and techniques. As a general approach, we recommend training should be based on dialogue, self-reflection, mutual learning, and co-creation. Participants therefore played an active role by suggesting new topics, reinterpreting their own experiences, exchanging experiences and knowledge, and interacting with speakers.
This one-page document summarises the agenda of the five-day training course. The first three days aimed to provide participants with information about SSH knowledge brokerage. The last two days focussed on the design of the knowledge brokerage initiatives to develop in cooperation with the partner cities.
Meetings with guest speakers
During the course, guest speakers are invited to enable participants to interact with experts in knowledge brokerage and key actors in sustainability policy. Selected extracts from meetings with some of the guest speakers participating in the SSH Knowledge Brokerage Programme are given here