Found 225 resources
Energy Literacy For Energy Communities
Welcome to Energy Literacy for Energy Communities, a handbook created by the NEWCOMERS project. The handbook offers an introduction to some of the concepts and considerations relating to energy communities and their role in the energy system. It is written for community members and anyone else interested in joining the energy community movement.
Drevenšek, Mojca; Tajnšek, Iva



- Energy

- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Politics
- Social Policy
- Sociology

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Slovenia

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Citizen Science
Citizen Science (CS) is an engagement method where citizens participate voluntarily in scientific processes as researchers or data collectors. CS entails addressing real-world problems, e.g. local pollution or climate change, with citizens scientists helping to develop research questions, conduct experiments, collect and analyse data or interpret results. CS often involves crowdsourcing voluntary assistance from a large group of individuals for online, distributed problem solving.
Solbu, Gisele


Norwegian University of Science and Technology , Norway

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Co-creation
Co-creation aims to solve physical or social issues that affect people's lives (e.g. unsafe roads, lack of greenspace) by actively involving the public in the identification of the problem, designing and evaluating solutions, and then implementing them. It refers to forms of public participation where there is a high-level of citizen involvement rather than just informing or consulting them after solutions have been designed by experts. It can be implemented as part of a research-led ‘Living Lab’, or to support planning processes led by local authorities, civil organisations or private entities.
Keserü, Imre


Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Living Labs
Living Labs involve conducting research activities in a real-life environment. They provide interaction spaces where participants collaborate on new technologies, services, products, or systems. Living Labs are becoming a popular way to address societal challenges and have been used in various domains such as urban development, mobility, education, and sustainability. The format Living Labs take is widely interpreted: some are heavily co-creative, whereas others focus on testing research-led approaches or moving innovations beyond laboratories and academia.
Duchkova, Helena


The Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Czech Republic

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Serious games
Serious Games are games in a broad sense with a serious topic, where the intention is to create not only game enjoyment but also a learning experience. Typically, Serious Games are designed to teach citizens about complex, systemic topics such as climate change. Serious Games include all forms of games, including computer games, board games, card games, role-plays, games in Virtual Reality or any other form of learning experience that includes game elements.
Klöckner, Christian A.


Kristoffer S. Fjællingsdal, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Where is Open Science in Horizon Europe?
Open science is evaluated both in the “Excellence” (quality of open science practices, data management) and in the “Quality and efficiency of implementation” (expertise, list of relevant publications) criteria. Horizon Europe distinguishes between mandatory and recommended open science practices. However, integrating not only mandatory but also recommended practices becomes necessary to obtain a high evaluation score (“proposers are expected to adopt when possible and appropriate for their projects”. Horizon Europe Programme Guide).
OS4OS Team

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education
- Social Policy

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- International

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Early knowledge and data sharing, and open collaboration
The challenge is for Europe to embrace open science as the modus operandi for all researchers. Open science consists in the sharing of knowledge, data and tools as early as possible in the Research and Innovation (R&I) process, in open collaboration with all relevant knowledge actors, including academia, industry, public authorities, end users, citizens and society at large. Open science has the potential to increase the quality, efficiency and impact of R&I, lead to greater responsiveness to societal challenges, and increase trust of society in the science system.

European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education
- Social Policy

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- International

- No geographical focus
Videos/audio and interactive materials
Citizen Engagement
This video includes:
1) “Recommendations for engaging and supporting local energy communities in alignment with justice principles – evidence from seven citizen engagement trajectories in Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy and France” Razia Jaggoe and Jordan Young, DuneWorks (LIGHTNESS project)
2) “Strategies to engage through innovative technologies and services in the NEON pilot Industrial Park Las Cabezas (Spain)” Sergio Lujan, GFM Fotovoltaica (NEON project)
3) “Cocreating age-friendly cities: the Age-Friendly Neighbourhood Index and its application in urban planning” Silvia Urra Uriarte, Tecnalia (URBANAGE project)

Sustainable places

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Academic

- International

- No geographical focus
Videos/audio and interactive materials
SMARTEES Policy Sandbox Tool Guide
SMARTEES has since 2018 conducted interdisciplinary research on social innovations in energy- and mobility transitions. As a culmination of the project a Policy Sandbox Tool is launched! The tool channels the research and modelling conducted across European cities and islands into an innovative online tool, allowing decision makers to explore different scenarious of sustainable transitions.
The tool helps users get inspired and learn key factors to take into account to help plan sustainable energy- and mobility transitions in their localities.



- Energy
- Mobility

- Psychology

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Germany

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Energy efficiency and using less: A social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography
This annotated bibliography on ‘competitive, secure, low-carbon energy supply’ is one of four annotated bibliographies created as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Platform Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy (SHAPE ENERGY).
The aim of the annotated bibliographies is to give non-experts (such as policymakers, practitioners, and academics from a range of disciplines) a taste of the diversity of energy-SSH research in, or of relevance to, Europe. They thereby contribute to making the capabilities of energy-SSH more visible and they provide a convincing statement of the policy relevance of perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences.
However, it is important to note that energy-SSH represents a diversity of disciplines, and many different, sometimes contradictory, perspectives and approaches to energy-related issues.
Ruth Mourik; Yvette Jeuken; Mariska de Zeeuw; Diana Uitdenbogerd; Luc van Summeren; Harold Wilhite; Rosie Robison; Sara Heidenreich; Michaela Blahova; Blandine Pidoux; Thomas Kern-Gillard; Osman Arrobbio; Giulia Sonetti; William Throndsen; Emmet Fox; Angel Nikolaev; Lulin Radulov; Ramazan Sari; Patrick Sumpf; Lenke Balint


Duneworks; University of Oslo; Anglia Ruskin University; Norwegian University of Sciene and Technology; University Tomase Bati; Energy Cities; Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat; P

- Energy

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- The Netherlands

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Competitive, secure, low-carbon energy supply: a social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography
This annotated bibliography on ‘competitive, secure, low-carbon energy supply’ is one of four annotated bibliographies created as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Platform Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy (SHAPE ENERGY).
This topic reflects the main objectives of EU energy policy: (1) a competitive environment for energy providers, (2) security of energy supplies, and (3) sustainable sources of energy supply. The topic deals with how the share of renewable and low-carbon energy and conversion technologies for electricity, heating and cooling can be increased in the EU. A particular focus is on energy transition processes and how to manage and encourage them. Further, the topic addresses the conditions under which transitions and the
diversification of the energy mix happen, particularly how they affect consumers, citizens, businesses and industries, and the role of these actors in transition processes.
Sara Heidenreich; William Throndsen; Ramazan Sari; Giulia Sonetti; Marianne Ryghaug; Thomas Kern-Gillard; Osman Arrobbio; Ruth Mourik; Angel Nikolaev


Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Middle East Technical University; Politecnico di Torino; Ecola Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat; DuneWorkds; Black Sea Energy Research C

- Energy

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Energy system optimisation and smart technologies: a social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography
This annotated bibliography is one of four annotated bibliographies created as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Platform Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy (SHAPE ENERGY). The aim of the annotated bibliographies is to give non-experts (such as policymakers, practitioners, and academics from a range of disciplines) a taste of the diversity of energy-SSH research in, or of relevance to, Europe.
Energy system optimisation and smart technologies concerns, among other things, the integration of renewable energy sources (RES) into the energy system through the application of novel, internet-enabled (‘smart’) technologies, which can help compensate for the volatility of renewable energy supply. Such technical innovations in the system are leading to a variety of (intended and unintended) changes in social patterns, and the re-design of fundamental aspects of the energy system. In line with many descriptions
of future energy systems and ‘smart grids’, consumption is a key component of change in smart energy transitions, a field where SSH researchers are at the forefront of research and development. Other key topics include: demand response (possibly enabling new, dynamic, energy pricing), prosumption (e.g. production and consumption of electricity by users), or self-healing networks and markets, among many others.
Patrick Sumpf; Mira Klemm; William Throndsen; Christian Büscher; Rosie Robison; Jens Schippl; Chris Foulds; Katrin Buchmann; Angel Nikolaev; Thomas Kern-Gillard


Karlsruhe Institute of Technology; Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Anglia Ruskin University; Black Sea Energy Research Centre; Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l'Etat

- Energy

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Germany

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Transport sector decarbonisatoin: a social sciences and humanities annotated bibliography
This annotated bibliography on transport sector decarbonisation is one of four annotated bibliographies created as part of the EU Horizon 2020 Platform Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy (SHAPE ENERGY). The aim of the annotated bibliographies is to give non-experts (such as policymakers, practitioners, and
academics from a range of disciplines) a taste of the diversity of energy-SSH research in, or of relevance to, Europe.
Transport concerns how we get around. It involves different modes (car, train etc.), fuels, infrastructure and professional sectors, but also serves a wide variety of different purposes - from the pilgrimage to the daily commute. As a society, we are travelling more and more. By 2014, transport had overtaken power companies as the sector with the highest carbon emissions across the European Union (EU)4. From 1990 to 2014 - in contrast to all other major sectors, whose emissions decreased - EU road transport emissions rose by 17% and aviation emissions by 82%5. Road transport accounted for 70% of EU transport emissions
in 20146. Transport is thus both a priority for EU decarbonisation strategies, and a highly challenging area in which to achieve this. We have taken the transport sector to include different modes of transport, travel and their provision. Aspects of the transport sector that we have not focused on are SSH research in the area of decarbonisation of vehicle production and recycling.
The bibliography is not intended to be comprehensive, but rather aimed at presenting insights into the very wide variety of different questions posed, areas explored, and methods used by SSH scholars working on questions relevant to transport decarbonisation. This bibliography is ultimately be a prompt for further transport decarbonisation reading and, consequently, cross-disciplinary endeavours.
Katrin Buchmann; Rosie Robison; Chris Foulds


Anglia Ruskin University

- Energy
- Mobility

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- United Kingdom

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Expanding the scope and implications of energy research: A guide to key themes and concepts from the Social Sciences and Humanities
This paper provides an overview of key themes and concepts within energy-related Social Sciences and Humanities (energy-SSH) research in Europe. It aims to use this overview as an introduction for those producing strategies and interventions to advance energy and sustainability transitions in practice as well as for newcomers
to the field of energy-SSH research, such as Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) researchers. This paper builds on four extensive literature reviews from the EU Horizon 2020 SHAPE ENERGY project on four energy topics derived from the EU's Strategic Energy Technology Plan (EU SET-Plan) priorities:
energy efficiency, low-carbon energy supply, energy system optimisation and transport decarbonisation. Based on a cross-cutting analysis of these four literature reviews, this paper discusses the evolution of and recent developments across energy-SSH research. It highlights two interrelated stories of scholarly expansion concerning the role of people in low-carbon energy transitions, illustrated with an example on demand-side management, and points towards future energy-SSH research and policy priorities.
Lina Ingeborgrud; Sara Heidenreich; Marianne Ryghaug; Tomas Moe Skjølsvold; Chris Foulds; Rosie Robison; Katrin Buchmann; Ruth Mourik


Norwegian University of Science and Technology; Anglia Ruskin University; DuneWorks

- Energy

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
EERA Report on Energy Demand Reduction (2023)
The report includes a series of policy recommendations aimed at integrating energy demand reduction into the EU’s CET strategy by establishing specific reduction targets across all energy types and setting targets and indicators for energy demand reduction at EU and national levels. Moreover, it ultimately proposes integrating energy sufficiency
by possibly elevating the “energy efficiency first” principle to “energy sufficiency first” and ensuring citizens actively shape energy demandreduction measures by embodying the “citizen in the centre” principle.
Ganna Gladkykh; Adel El Gammal; Tiina Koljonen; Mara Thiene; Michael Belsnes; et al.

European Energy Research Alliance

- Energy

- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- The Netherlands
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Securing sustainable critical raw material supply for clean energy in Europe
The report explores the importance of critical raw materials (CRM) for the clean energy transition in Europe. General social, environmental, and ethical considerations linked to CRM sourcing and processing are identified.
Rosita Zilli; Jeanne André; Sara Bellucci; Linda Barelli; Giampaolo Campana; et al.

European Energy Research Alliance

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Social Policy

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- The Netherlands
Report (incl. public deliverables)
EERA REPowerEU Manifesto
The document puts forward the EERA's analysis of the REPowerEU Plan released by the EC in response to the energy crisis.The purpose of this document is to highlight the most critical recommendations that, in the opinion of the EERA research community, are missing from or insufficiently addressed in the REPowerEU Plan. Of the three dimensions of the
energy trilemma (energy security, energy equity and environmental sustainability), this manifesto – while recognising the highly critical social perspective of the crisis – intentionally focuses mainly on energy security and environmental sustainability aspects.
Adel El Gammal; Ganna Gladkykh

European Energy Research Alliance

- Energy

- Science & Tech. Studies
- Social Policy

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- The Netherlands
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Online knowledge transfer handbook
This is a handbook of knowledge (eco-innovation) transfer.
Viktor Varjú, Marcin Dabrowski

H2020 REPAiR

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Hungary

- No geographical focus
Journal article
Transferring Circular Economy Solutions across Differentiated Territories: Understanding and Overcoming the Barriers for Knowledge Transfer
Using participant observation in knowledge transfer workshops,
stakeholder interviews and surveys, the paper investigates how the process of co-creation of knowledge in the relational space of the networked living labs takes place thanks to the participation of stakeholders from both regions.
Marcin Dąbrowski, Viktor Varjú and Libera Amenta

H2020 REPAiR

TU Delft

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- The Netherlands

- Belgium
- Germany
- Hungary
- Italy
- The Netherlands
- Poland
Journal article
Unequal spaces of the European research collaborations
The analyses focus on the Horizon 2020
(H2020) research and innovation collabora-
tions; their spatial characteristics are studied
by statistical and GIS tools. The paper at-
tempts to assess the unequal positions in
research collaborations by emphasizing the
viewpoint of the East Central European
countries and describing patterns that in-
dicate severe East-West divide and sig-
nificant core-periphery cleavage considering
institutional and project participation as well
as EC contribution.
Gergely Tagai

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- East-West relation
Journal article
North-South research partnership: Is collaboration possible between unequal partners?
After a brief historical review of these mechanisms and of the conceptual debates around them, this paper considers the main programs that have been established during the last 10–15 years to promote North-South scientific collaborative partnership. One of the main problems encountered in the implementation of collaborative research programs relate to the asymmetry of the collaboration and the dominance of the partners in the North. While recognizing that conditions for success may differ depending on the main objectives of the collaboration, a list of ingredients for successful collaboration is proposed in the conclusion. This is based on the experience of the programs under review.
Jacques F. Gaillard

the Institut Français de Recherche Scientifique pour le Développement en Coopération (ORSTOM)

- Climate

- Development

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- France

- North-South relation
Journal article
Eastern Europe and the geography of knowledge production: The case of the invisible gardener
The article contributes to the debates in geography on the inequality of knowledge production and the context-dependent hierarchy of knowledge claims. It seeks to make sense of the invisibility, to Western academia, of East European informal food provisioning as a research topic with the potential to inform debates and theorisations regarding alternative food systems. Looking at how East European informal food practices have been read from the West is instructive for understanding how certain knowledge ‘travels’ and becomes universally accepted knowledge – or theory – or remains a partial knowledge with validity restricted to specific places and circulating within specific subfields.
Petr Jehlička

Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology

- Climate

- Human Geography
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Czech Republic

- East-West
Journal article
Climate Concern and Pro-Environmental Behaviour in the Light of Trust
Using a large-scale, representative survey conducted in Hungary in June–July 2022, the present study—based on a data analysis—provides an answer to the question of how much the trust of the individual motivates the given individual to take pro-climate action.
Zoltán Grünhut

H2020 REPAiR

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Climate

- Human Geography
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- Hungary
Journal article
How does place matter in circular/waste management transition? Comparison of five European peri-urban regions from the view of stakeholders' perspective
Stakeholders' perceptions represent their cultural embeddedness.
Circular economy transitions differ regionally and influenced by social factors.
Institutional, legal and governance aspects challenge waste management improvement.
In Central-Eastern Europe EU regulations are much less appreciated
Varjú, Viktor; Bodor, Ákos ; Grünhut, Zoltán

H2020 REPAiR

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- Belgium
- Hungary
- Italy
- The Netherlands
- Poland
Journal article
Press Discourses on Ecological Crises in the UK, Israel and Hungary
This article explores the relationships between political projects of belonging and approaches to environmental and climate ecological crises via comparing centre-right and centre-left newspapers in the UK, Israel and Hungary.
Yuval-Davis, Nira ; Meier, Isabel ; Rosen, Rolly ; Varjú, Viktor

University of East London

- Climate

- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- United Kingdom

- Hungary
- Israel
- United Kingdom
Book section
Considering renewable potentials and supporting policy for energy transition
his chapter seeks to examine the different types of potential that might in-
fluence the increase in renewable energy development. Emphasising the factors
within the different types of resource potential, the chapter also gives an insight
into the Polish and Hungarian situation. As this is an overview, data and literature
sources are provided in the text to go further and more deeply into the assumption
of local potential taking into consideration the complexity of renewable energy use
tackled in this chapter.
Viktor Varjú

Interreg REGPHOSYS, Interreg RURES

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Energy

- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- Hungary
- Poland
Journal article
The policy transfer of environmental policy integration: path dependency, route flexibility, or the Hungarian way?
This article examines the introduction and implementation of SEA at national and sub-national levels in Hungary. It evaluates the factors affecting the process of international lesson-drawing in environmental policy based on empirical evidence.
Viktor Varjú

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Climate

- Development
- Environmental Social Science
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- Hungary
Book section
Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe: Changes and Reasons of Renewable Energy Support Schemes
In the EU2030 goal includes the increase of renewable energy share to at least of
32% of the EU's energy consumption. Renewables, especially photovoltaic energy
investments and use became very popular in the last few years. New technologies and
solution can contribute to an increasing development in renewable energy. However,
there are policy factors that can influence this process. In order to achieve renewable
goals governments started to support green electricity that caused huge boom in installed
capacity in some central European countries. On the other hand, this increase causes
negative effects, overuse of subsidies and the cut-back of supporting systems as states
could not maintain this high level of support. Using the results of policy documents,
development strategies, the author concludes by arguing that the key motivations of
investing renewables are differs state by state, influenced by central government, but
mainly depending on local stakeholders (mainly based on economic interests and using
sustainability as a slogan, not reason). Based on the literature review and other
researcher’s funding a balanced subsidy policy tool with three elements (Renewable
Portfolio Standard, green certificate and feed-in tariff) can be a successful strategy.
Viktor Varjú


Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Energy

- Development
- Economics
- Human Geography
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- Croatia
- Czech Republic
- Hungary
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
Journal article
The Effect of Trust on the Various Dimensions of Climate Change Attitudes
The current paper tries to progress on this path and reveal the role of trust in various dimensions of the attitude to climate change using the data of the European Social Survey originating from 22 countries. The results show that while climate change beliefs and climate concern display no relationship with trust, neither on the individual or national level, trust does have a clear effect on the feeling of individual responsibility in connection with climate change and on support for the various policy measures. In addition, it is also investigated whether the effect of trust can be shown to exist in the relationships between climate concern and the feeling of individual responsibility, and climate concern and policy support. The results show that in both cases the relationship is stronger in those countries characterized by a higher level of social trust.
Bodor, Ákos ; Varjú, Viktor; Grünhut, Zoltán

H2020 REPAiR

Institute for Regional Studies, HUN-REN KRTK

- Energy

- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Hungary

- European overview
Report (incl. public deliverables)
In the context of the SUPEERA project, a series of policy briefs are currently being developed
to identify concrete R&I challenges in EU policies relevant to the energy research community.
The final goal is to support the achievement of the Clean Energy Transition (CET). This Policy Brief is focused on the Proposal for a Directive on Energy Efficiency (recast). This directive sets the stage for a leap in the energy efficiency performance of the EU, including but no limited to buildings and industry. It will have a significant impact on the EU’s energy system and set the bloc on the path to a more sustainable building environment.
Rosita Zilli


European Energy Research Alliance

- Energy

- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

- All Europe
Report (incl. public deliverables)
White Paper Clean Energy Transition
This White Paper on the Clean Energy Transition constitutes EERA’s landmark contribution to advancing understanding of the profound implications such a transition will have beyond technology for our economy and our society. It builds on existing knowledge and provides an instrumental conceptual framework to support policymakers in defining robust, actionable and efficient pathways towards a socially fair, environmentally sustainable, competitive and climate-neutral society.
Adel El Gammal; Ganna Gladkykh, Manuel Baumann; Michael Belsnes; Laurens de Vries; et al

European Energy Research Alliance

- Energy

- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

- All
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Epistemic justice: How can diverse forms of knowledge improve policy making?
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on Epistemic Justice and the value of incorporating different perspectives into policymaking processes. Within the literature brief, it highlights the procedural and institutional barriers preventing proper integration of epistemic justice into policymaking.
Helena Duchkova; Julia Leventon

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

The Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Theology and Ethics

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Czech Republic

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Responsible Research & Innovation: The developing role of interdisciplinarity
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), an emerging policy framework for supporting science and technology to enhance both their internal processes and their relations with society. Within the literature brief, the opportunities of RRI in supporting interdisciplinary research are outlined as well as the obstacles to the interpretation and management of RRI.
Luciano d’Andrea; Fabio Feudo

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Knowledge & Innovation

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Philosophy
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Italy

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Open Science and Open Education: Bringing social and technical disciplines into dialogue
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on the topic of Open Science and Open Education. Within the literature brief it outlines the benefits of Open Science/Open Education as well as good practices for being 'open'. The opportunities for Open Science/Open Education in achieving EU policy ambitions are discussed.
Mojca Drevenšek; Iva Tajnšek

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)


- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Slovenia

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Transdisciplinarity: Breaking down disciplinary and academic barriers
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on the topic of transdisciplinarity. The literature brief focuses on the opportunities of transdisciplinary research and how this can support the identification of solutions for complex societal problems. The need to better support transdisciplinary work, and how this could be achieved, is highlighted in the brief.
Ivana Suboticki

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Science & Tech. Studies
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
SSH-STEM networks: Bridging divides between social and technical
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on the value of SSH-STEM networks in tackling complex societal challenges. By bringing together different disciplinary perspectives, there is the opportunity to identify new partnerships, possibilities, and innovative solutions. Through SSH-STEM networks it facilitates communication and learning.
Alevgul Sorman

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Basque Centre for Climate Change

- Energy
- Climate

- Human Geography
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Spain

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Modelling and Social Sciences & Humanities: Integration of social insights into technical models
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on how SSH insights can inform, and support, modelling methods. The literature brief reflects on how the integration of SSH and STEM dynamics via modelling can help advance understanding of complex systems and develop integrated policy solutions. The value of interdisciplinary collaborations, and opportunities of participatory methods, are outlined.
Davide Natalini

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Digital Transitions: Supporting societal shifts related to climate, energy and mobility
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on digital transitions, and how digitalisation can support the achievement of sustainable outcomes. The opportunities, challenges and future research avenues related to digitalisation are outlined in the literature brief.
Julia Leventon

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

The Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Czech Republic

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Transitioning to a circular economy: Insights from the Social Sciences & Humanities on motivations and opportunities
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief introduces the concept of circular economy and sets outs its complexity. The value of incorporating SSH perspectives into understandings of circular economy is introduced, and the need for a multi-stakeholder approach outlined.
Viktor Varjú

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Centre for Economic and Regional Studies

- Energy

- Economics
- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Hungary

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
The Digitalisation of Mobility: Insights from the Social Sciences & Humanities on impacts and innovation
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on the digitalisation of mobility and how this can support sustainability transitions. The opportunities and challenges of the digitalisation of mobility are set out, as well as the role of SSH in addressing challenges.
Imre Keserü; Hannes Delaere

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

- Mobility

- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Energy Communities: Insights from the Social Sciences & Humanities on advantages and challenges
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
This literature brief focuses on the opportunities and challenges for energy communities, and how collective groups of citizens can support sustainability transitions. The value of incorporating both SSH and STEM insights into policy on energy communities is set out.
Ami Crowther

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University

- Energy

- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
A review of the Climate-Energy-Mobility landscape through 10 Social Sciences and Humanities literature briefs
As part of the SSH CENTRE project, 10 literature briefs were produced which capture, and align with, current EU policy priorities. These literature briefs provide an overview of the topic in focus, and are hoped to be of use and interest to researchers and practitioners wanting to introduce themselves to these topics. The literature briefs provide a platform from which readers can develop further understandings drawing upon the references included within the literature brief and other resources.
The introduction sets out the purpose of the literature briefs, outlines the process through which they were developed and reflects upon the cross-cutting themes between the literature briefs, namely insights supporting future research, the role of interdisciplinarity in climate, energy and mobility research and the value of SSH insights for achieving the EU's climate ambitions.
Ami Crowther; Chris Foulds; Rosie Robison

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Global Sustainability Institute, Anglia Ruskin University

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Journal article
From consultation toward co-production in science and policy: A critical systematic review of participatory climate and energy initiatives.
The article covers an evaluation of a vast array of participatory mechanisms for inclusive co-production methods within participatory climate and energy initiatives stemming from scientific publications and initiatives from the public administration and the non-profit sector.
Galende-Sánchez, E. and Sorman, A.H.


Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)

- Energy
- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Politics

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Spain

Journal article
Co-creating narratives for WEF nexus governance: A Quantitative Story-Telling case study in the Canary Islands.
A review of different types of knowledge to analyze interconnections between water, energy, and food supply and Quantitative Story-Telling (QST) as a proposal for adaptive governance approach that aims at fostering pluralistic and reflexive research processes.
Cabello, V., Romero, D., Musicki, A., Pereira, Â. G., & Peñate, B.

MAGIC (H2020)

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Spain

- Spain
Journal article
Democratizing Energy, Energizing Democracy: Central Dimensions Surfacing in the Debate.
A perspective piece bringing together critical social science and humanities research on meaning and materialities, new actors and narratives that revolve around energy, transitions and justice.
Sorman, A.H., Turhan E., Rosas-Casals M.


Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)

- Energy

- Development
- Human Geography
- Politics

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Spain

- No geographical focus
Journal article
Three sides to every story: Gender perspectives in energy transition pathways in Canada, Kenya and Spain.
An exploratory study on the gendered nature of energy transitions from an innovations studies perspective, looking at transformative energy potentials from insights from Kenya, Spain and Canada.
J. Lieu, A.H. Sorman, O.W., Johnson, L.D. Virla, B.P. Resurrección,

TRANSrisk (H2020)

ETH Zürich

- Energy
- Climate

- Development
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- Human Geography
- Planning
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Switzerland

- Spain
- Canada
- Kenya
Journal article
(Counter)mapping renewables: Space, justice, and politics of wind and solar power in Mexico.
Social, environmental, and political implications of wind and solar energies and their major spatial reconfigurations in Mexico
S. Avila, Y. Deniau, A.H. Sorman, J. McCarthy,

Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

- Energy
- Climate

- Development
- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Planning
- Politics

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Spain

- Mexico
Journal article
When two movements collide: Learning from labour and environmental struggles for future Just Transitions.
The Just Transition (JT) has been shaped by labour and environmental actors, highlighting that labour-environment coalitions can build stronger strategy toward transformative justice.
B. Wilgosh, A.H. Sorman, I. Barcena

University of the Basque Country (EHU/UPV)

- Climate

- Development
- Environmental Social Science
- Politics
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Spain

Journal article
Cultures of transformation: An integrated framework for transformative action.
pairs psychological approaches to understanding behavioural change - on beliefs and emotions – within transformation action-based research
H. Parris, A.H. Sorman, C. Valor, A. Tuerk, A. Anger-Kraavi


Climate Change Policy Group, Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, University of Cambridge

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Psychology
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- UK

Journal article
Solidaric solarities: Governance principles for transforming solar power relations
The analysis offers pragmatic governance principles informed by values that engender solidarity, illuminating potential pathways to enable solidaric solar transitions.
S. Sareen, A.H. Sorman, R. Stock, K. Mahoney, B. Girard

University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway

- Energy
- Climate

- Development
- Economics
- Gender
- Human Geography
- Planning
- Social Anthropology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Images (figures, plots, drawings, diagrams, photos)
Southern Voices on Research Geographies
Grpahical recording of the workshop hosten in Bilbao with the collaboration of Wikitoki and BC3.

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3)

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Environmental Social Science
- Planning

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Spain

- Cyprus
- Greece
- Italy
- Malta
- Portugal
- Spain
- Turkey
- Israel
Sustainable CZ Blog
Blog covering activities of the interdisciplinary Department of Human Dimensions of Climate Change of CzechGlobe from across a range of projects and activities, including an illustrated glossary of key terms.

The Department of Human Dimensions of Global Change, CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- Human Geography
- Planning
- Politics
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Social Anthropology
- So

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Czech Republic

- No geographical focus
Journal article
Making transdisciplinarity happen: Phase 0, or before the beginning
This article discusses the processes of transdisciplinary research and based on a concrete transdisciplinary case study addressing sustainability transformation in Transylvania, the authors propose Phase 0 as an initiating phase prior to beginning an ideal-typical transdisciplinary process. Within the initiating Phase 0, authors introduce three sub-phases—to enhance the transformative potential of transdisciplinary sustainability research.
Andra-Ioana Horcea-Milcu; Julia Leventon; Daniel J. Lang

Leverage Points for Sustainability Transformations (Volkswagen Stiftung)

Babes¸-Bolyai University

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Environmental Social Science

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Romania

- No geographical focus
TransformERS COST Action
TransformERS COST Action is network with funding opportunities. It should bring together researchers and practitioners from a broad range of disciplines (STEM and SSH) to generate understandings of transformative change across mobility, energy, food and textiles sectors. It provides networking and small funding opportunities, and applications to join are always open.
Julia Leventon

COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

CzechGlobe, Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Social Policy
- Sociology
- Theology and Ethics

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Czech Republic

- No geographical focus
Journal article
An applied methodology for stakeholder identification in transdisciplinary research
This paper introduces an innovative method for identifying stakeholders in transdisciplinary sustainability research projects. Emphasizing early engagement, the approach allows diverse stakeholders to influence the research process from the outset, addressing a gap in current stakeholder analysis methods. Developed for a European soil threats research project, the methodology employs a cost-effective snowball sampling approach, empowering researchers without prior stakeholder experience. The introduced methodology consists of two-phase process which involves designing and implementing an identification questionnaire and by including a design phase in the process, it is possible to tailor the methodology to other research projects.
Julia Leventon; Luuk Fleskens; Heleen Claringbould; Gudrun Schwilch; Rudi Hessel

RECARE Project (FP7)

Leuphana University

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Environmental Social Science

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Germany

- No geographical focus
Working paper
Tangible targets for cities: 33 concrete goals to advance the local ecological transition
Local governments can leverage Citizens’ Assemblies to establish ambitious targets for their transition. These assemblies, composed of randomly selected individuals, deliberate and propose solutions for complex issues, often suggesting more ambitious and tangible measures than current policies. Inspired by successful European Citizens’ Assemblies, a list of 33 tangible targets has been compiled to expedite ecological transitions in cities. This non-exhaustive guide encourages local governments to commit to around a dozen tailored goals, fostering significant progress in relevant categories without the obligation to achieve all targets by 2030. Informed by assembly outcomes, city roadmaps, and diverse European practices, this approach ensures public comprehension and involvement in the ecological transition. The collective input from Citizens’ Assemblies, alongside national and municipal practices, provides a comprehensive guide for impactful measures in local governments navigating the ecological transition.
Selma Guyon; Claire Roumet; Sara Giovannini

Energy Cities

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Development
- Planning
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- France

Working paper
Redistributing Power: How can Renewable Energy Communities relieve energy poverty
This briefing looks into the power of energy communities and how they can play a key role in alleviating energy poverty. It will analyse the scale of the energy poverty crisis in Europe and the solutions that renewable community energy projects can offer if they’re empowered and provided with the right tools.
Kieran Pradeep; Dimitris Tsekeris; Heleen Schockaert; Miriam Eisermann

Friends of the Earth Europe

- Energy

- Development
- Planning
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Energy Community Toolkit
The SCCALE 20-30-50 toolkit include different guides and briefings to support the creation of local energy communities. It is a collection of existing knowledge within the community energy movement, and tested techniques used in the 5 pilots of the project.

SCALE 20 30 50

SCALE 20 30 50

- Energy

- Business
- Development
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- Planning
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

Working paper
Decoding sufficiency: the evolving glossary of a fair and resource-wise local economy
Sufficiency has emerged as a key component of the ecological transition throughout the years, especially in France and Germany, and has even become a buzzword with the 2022 energy crisis. However, it remains an abstract concept, easily confused with other related terms (efficiency, austerity…). Nevertheless, this concept holds a lot of potential for European local governments seeking to shift their economies towards a fairer model, respecting the limits of the planet. To work together, it is essential that we speak the same language. With this glossary, we provide you with definitions and examples to grasp everything about sufficiency and the concepts revolving around it.
Emérence NOUHAUD; Mélanie BOURGEOIS; Allison LE CORRE

Energy Cities

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Development
- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Planning
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- France

Working paper
From Bordeaux to Valencia, 5 innovative approaches to decarbonise cities
When it comes to climate mitigation and adaptation, cities are leading by example. From district heating to renovation one-stop-shops, from heat mapping to condominium renovations, get inspired by these 5 innovative solutions to decarbonise buildings and heating and cooling systems in cities.
Amélie Ancelle

Energy Cities

- Energy
- Climate

- Development
- Planning
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- France

- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Poland
- Spain
Report (incl. public deliverables)
A European Analysis of different Social Energy Market Players
This report analyses Social Energy Market Players in Europe through the creation of a typology. Social Energy Market Players are evaluated by the institutional contexts in which they developed, including fully or partially owned municipal energy providers, citizen-led energy cooperatives, and targeted mitigation mechanisms. This report puts particular emphasis on examining relationships between Social Energy Market Players and regional and local public authorities. Indeed, cooperation between regional and local public authorities and civil and private organisations such as cooperatives is key for an effective strategy to combat energy poverty and can play a pivotal role in local social and climate transition agendas.
Roza Gyorfi; Claire Oblinger; Stéphane Dupas; Julien Joubert


Energy Cities

- Energy

- Business
- Development
- Planning
- Science & Tech. Studies

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- France

Working paper
After decades shaping energy and climate policies for a decentralised, democratic and decarbonised energy system, the next steps for cities is to transform their entire metabolism with a climate-neutral approach.
Building resilient communities means fostering interdependence between sectors, between territories, between economic, social and cultural players and city leaders in order to share wealth and well-being at the local scale.

Energy Cities

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Planning
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- France

Journal article
A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe: key themes and 100 research questions
Transport and mobility systems need to be transformed to meet climate change goals and reduce negative environmental and social effects. Despite EU policies having targeted such problems for more than three decades, transitions have been slow and geographically uneven. For effective change to happen, transport and mobility research needs fresh perspectives and better integration of knowledge from the Social Sciences and Humanities. Based on a Horizon Scanning approach, which allowed for a great deal of openness and variety in scholarly viewpoints, this paper presents a novel research agenda consisting of 8 themes and 100 research questions that may contribute to achieving environmentally sustainable mobility transitions within Europe. This research agenda highlights the need to not only support technological solutions for low-carbon mobility, but the importance of transformative policies that include new processes of knowledge production, civic participation and epistemic justice. We contend that the agenda points to the need for further research on the dynamics of science-society interactions.
Marianne Ryghaug; Ivana Suboticki; Emilia Smeds; Timo von Wirth; Aline Scherrer

Energy-SHIFTS (H2020)


- Mobility

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Norway

- Europe
Journal article
Fostering justice through engagement: A literature review of public engagement in energy transitions
Social science and humanities scholars have highlighted that energy transitions have unequal and unjust consequences on societies. This has strengthened the importance of energy justice in both policy and research on energy transitions. Public engagement in energy transition is an important cornerstone to mitigate such outcomes; however, it does not univocally equal nor lead to energy justice. Public engagement can also be used to maintain the status quo and the unequal distribution of burdens of benefits in energy transitions. In this review, we explore how justice considerations are addressed in the literature on public engagement in energy transitions. Our point of departure is that all three tenants of energy justice – procedural, distributional, and recognition justice – need to be considered when designing, implementing, and evaluating processes of public engagement. By dividing the literature into four categories of engagement – public consultation and deliberation, co-creation, community-led energy, and ecologies and collectives of engagement – we discuss how each strand of literature addresses the different dimensions of justice. We find that most of the reviewed literature does not explicitly address justice. Critical discussions in the literature can be linked to procedural justice issues, but only marginally to recognition and distributional justice. We argue that more explicit engagement with different tenants of justice is necessary in order to foster just energy transitions.
Ivana Suboticki; Sara Heidenreich; Marianne Ryghaug; Tomas Moe Skjølsvold

Energy-SHIFTS (H2020)


- Energy

- Communication Studies
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- Human Geography
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Social Anthropology
- Social Policy
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Policy Recommendations: An analysis on collective and energy related decision-making processes of three formal social units
By conducting 67 semi-structured in-depth interviews and 15 focus group studies that
have taken place in Austria, Bulgaria, Finland, Norway, Spain, and Turkey, the aim of
this report is to provide comprehensive policy recommendations addressing the three
levels of formal social units defined as stakeholders in the ECHOES project: Formal
social units, collective decision-making units and individuals engaging in joint contracts.
The primary policy recommendations are centered around three technological foci:
Smart energy technologies, electric mobility and buildings based on the insights from
the thorough analysis of the in-depth interviews and focus groups.
Simen Rostad Sæther; Xinlu Qiu; Marianne Skaar; Jens Dalseth Røyrvik; Marie Nilsen; Asle Gauteplass; Jens Petter Johansen; Christian A. Klöckner; Espen Moe; Gitte Koksvik; Luitzen de Boer

ECHOES (H2020)


- Energy
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- Human Geography
- Law
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Social Anthropology
- Social Policy
- Soci

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Norway

- Austria
- Bulgaria
- Finland
- Spain
- Norway; Turkey
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Building consensus for a citizen-driven Energy Union: understanding energy choice dynamics and their impact on energy governance in the EU
This Deliverable elaborates a consolidated scientific
knowledge base stemming from the correlation of the main
findings obtained throughout the ECHOES project with the
existing literature in order to advance consensus on the key
factors and relationships driving (or meaningfully
influencing) specific energy choices and related behavioural
patterns illustrative of particular energy lifestyles, for three
different levels of decision-making (micro-, meso-, and
macro-) within a specific technological domain (smart
energy technology, electric mobility, or buildings) identified
in the ECHOES project. This report distils the conclusions
from the consensus achieved on the soundness of the
results obtained, the expected influence/impact on actual
(energy) behaviour, the relevance to practice and decisionmaking, and the required changes on energy governance at
national and European levels. The resulting knowledge base
distilled form this process is then embedded into the wider
volume of research conducted outside the scope of the
Cristian Pons-Seres de Brauwer; Jed Cohen; Johannes Reichl; Andrea Kollmann; Valeriya Azarova; Giuseppe Carrus; Parissa Chokrai; Immo Fritsche; Christian Klöckner; Torsten Masson; Angelo Panno; Lorenza Tiberio; Stepan Vesely; Alina Mia Udall; Gudrun Lettmayer; Dorian Frieden; Kurt Könighofer; Stephan Schwarzinger; Izaskun Jimenez; Lucía Polo; Daniela Velte; Elena Dimitrova; Milena Tasheva-Petrova; Angel Burov; Irina Mutafchiiska; Lassi Similä; Suvisanna Correia; Tiina Koljonen; Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu; Muhittin Hakan Demir

ECHOES (H2020)

Energy Institute - Johannes Kepler University

- Energy

- Business
- Communication Studies
- Development
- Economics
- Education
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- History
- Human Geography
- Law
- Philosophy
- Planning
- Politics
- Psychology
- Science &

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Austria

- EU
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Citizens' Assemblies
A Citizens’ Assembly is a model or mechanism of deliberative democracy that brings together members of the public to deliberate on major policy questions and
develop collective recommendations. Citizens’ Assemblies are designed to improve decision-making processes in democratic states and are especially useful in
dealing with highly polarised, contentious or long-term issues, including climate change. They are usually commissioned by public authorities (at any level), working with other partners such as non-profits or research institutions.
Ester Galende Sanchez

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Basque Centre for Climate Change

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Spain

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Deliberative Forums
Deliberative forums are spaces where a topic is brought up in a way that invites participants to carefully contemplate lock-ins, actions, and strategies forward to a
problem in a constructive manner. In the context of climate-energy-mobility, topics may cover reducing dependence on fossil fuels, promoting alternative modes
of transportation, just renewable energy transitions or climate mitigation/adaptation strategies. Forums are typically kept small and can either consist of a range
of actors or a specific group of participants with knowledge on particular issues.
Alevgul H. Sorman

SSH Centre (Horizon Europe)

Basque Centre for Climate Change

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Spain

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Horizon Scanning - Delphi Exercises
Horizon Scanning is a foresight approach that identifies priorities for future policy, practice, or research. There are a range of Horizon Scanning methods
from literature reviews to expert panels, workshops and interviews. What binds these methods together is drawing on expert knowledge, to seek out cuttingedge directions. This infosheet specifically looks at Delphi Exercises, which have been increasingly used to source, develop, negotiate, and build consensus. By
returning multiple times to the same group of experts – often through a survey – recommendations are refined.
Chris Foulds; Rosie Robison; Ami Crowther

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Anglia Ruskin University

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- UK

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagment methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis
The Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis (MAMCA) method is a way of evaluating several project or policy options through taking stakeholder preferences explicitly into account. MAMCA is an extension of Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA), differing from the latter by explicitly introducing stakeholders before the criteria and
weights are defined. Through encouraging stakeholders to reflect on what they want and the rationales behind this, MAMCA facilitates reaching consensus. Online software is available to conduct the evaluation.
Geert te Boveldt

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Participatory Knowledge Mapping
Participatory Knowledge Mapping (PKM) refers to approaches aimed at visualising (through diagrams, graphs, workflows, tables, images, or geographical maps)
the relationships and issues within an organisation or community. This visualisation is achieved using participatory mechanisms such as workshops, interviews, or
deliberative meetings. PKM can also be referred to as Participatory Modelling, Group Model Building, Participatory Mapping, or Participatory System Mapping. It
is often used in development contexts.
Luciano d'Andrea

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Knowledge & Innovation

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Italy

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Stakeholder-based Impact Scoring
Stakeholder-based Impact Scoring (SIS) is a participatory assessment method aimed at predicting the impact of a policy or project prior to its implementation by
quantifying and visualising the negative and positive impacts on stakeholders. It leads to ‘impact scores’ based on objective assessments of effects from data or
expert views, and the subjective weighting of these effects by the affected stakeholders. SIS is especially helpful when a decision is not about choosing the ‘best’
option, but about modifying and mitigating a project throughout the course of its implementation.
Geert te Boveldt

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Vrije Universiteit Brussel

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Storytelling
Storytelling is particularly suited to addressing complex and ‘wicked’ problems, such as sustainability transitions within energy, climate, and mobility. It brings together stakeholders and/or citizens with different backgrounds, experiences, and points of view and creates an environment for recognition of and learning from
the various perspectives represented by the participants. Through facilitation that ensures everyone a voice, storytelling encourages mutual understanding and
collective action, but not necessarily a consensus.
Sara Heidenreich; Melanie Rohse

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)


- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Transformation Labs
Transformation Labs*
(T-Labs) are long-term multi-actor processes focused on social-ecological change. They have a particular emphasis on just and sustainable
transformations, and human-nature connectedness. They typically address complex problems, where people share a sense of urgency but may disagree in their
problem understanding. They are a very new tool and have been mostly applied in participatory research projects but could be relevant to any organisation interested in social innovation for environmental problems.
Violeta Cabello

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)

Basque Centre for Climate Change

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Spain

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Stakeholder and citizen engagement methods for climate, energy and mobility transitions: Transition Management
Transition Management (TM) seeks to influence the direction and pace of societal change by enabling new ways of organising, doing, and thinking. It supports
actors to move beyond incremental problem solving and engage in transformative change towards desired futures, to stimulate place-based sustainability transitions. A central feature is the establishment of a Transition Arena (TA): a co-creative learning space whose goal is to develop radical ways of thinking. TM seldom
aims at broad engagement across society. Rather, TM depends on targeted inclusion of actors who have interests in the transformation in question.
Marianne Ryghaug; Susanne Jørgensen; Tomas Moe Skjølsvold

SSH CENTRE (Horizon Europe)


- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Norway

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
Putting People at the Heart of Energy Transitions
The 4 Horizon 2020 projects explored social innovation in energy (SIE) from different angles, and analysed different case studies (from crowdfunding initiatives to energy cooperatives to innovative municipalities), collected data in large surveys among European citizens and collective action initiatives (CAIs) and engaged with a wide variety of different stakeholders.
This resulted in a rich set of insights on SIE collected, shared and compared among the projects. This policy brief offers a synthesis of key findings from these past 3 years, thereby providing insights on social innovation in energy for policymakers at all levels of governance. Moreover, this policy brief explores how SIE can be defined, what phenomena it includes, which values it potentially and actually creates for European citizens - including various social values - how its effectiveness can be measured, and how policies and regulations can support SIE now and in the future.
Audrey Abi Able; Kathrin Anger; Jacob Barnes; Regina Betz; Julia Blasch; et al.

NEWCOMERS (H2020), SONNET (H2020), COMETS (H2020), SocialRES (H2020)


- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics
- Social Policy

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- EU

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
NEWCOMERS Final policy recommendations
This deliverable summarises the final key policy recommendations from the NEWCOMERS project that have been developed in a co-creation process with the project’s stakeholders, in particular with the representatives of 10 core case study communities from 6 European countries, but also with a wider group of energy community stakeholders, such as representatives of energy providers, grid operators, umbrella organizations and municipalities.
Mark Andor; Jacob Barnes; Julia Blasch; Sarah Darby, Nicolien van der Grijp; et al.


Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUA)

- Energy

- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Politics
- Social Policy
- Sociology

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- The Netherlands

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Energy communities in different national settings – barriers, enablers and best practices
The NEWCOMERS project explored how new clean energy communities (ECs) develop, under which polycentric settings ECs evolve and under what conditions such initiatives are suppressed. At a national level, the project will assess socio-economic, technical, institutional characteristics and actors supporting the emergence of new clean energy communities.
In Deliverable 3.1. and 3.2. the national characteristics of the six NEWCOMERS countries
(Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) were described
and compared. In this report, the six countries are compared, with the aim to identify
barriers and enablers for new clean energy communities to emerge in different national settings and to discuss the potentials for learning between different countries. The focus for the analysis lies on socio-economic conditions, the technical system, the institutional setting, and actors on the electricity market.
Jenny Palm


Lund University

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Social Policy

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Sweden

- No geographical focus
Strengthening energy and climate literacy with microlearning and open educational resources
This master’s thesis is motivated by the desire to actively engage Slovenian youth in co-creating our energy and climate future. The background is the growing interest in effective energy transition at the national, EU and global levels, and we specifically focus on the role of education in achieving this goal. The main problem we address is the need for improvement of energy- and climate-related non-formal youth education to increase their interest in the topic, and motivate their engagement in public discussions and the policy-making processes. To tackle this problem, we use the existing En-ROADS energy and climate interactive simulation tool and the accompanying online training series and complement it with new learning materials and learning activities, developed in our educational project.
Mojca Drevenšek

University of Nova Gorica

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Slovenia

- Slovenia
Journal article
A communitysourced glossary of open scholarship terms
Open scholarship has transformed research, and introduced a host of new terms in the lexicon of researchers. The ‘Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Teaching’ (FORRT) community presents a crowdsourced glossary of open scholarship terms to facilitate education and effective communication between experts and newcomers.
Sam Parsons; Flávio Azevedo; Mahmoud M. Elsherif; Samuel Guay; Owen N. Shahim; et al.

University of Oxford

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
What is open research?
This short article helps researchers reach their 'open research' goals, by offering suggestions how to develop skill and knowledge to work in an open environment.


- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Opening up Education: A Support Framework for Higher Education Institutions
This report presents a support framework for higher education institutions (HEIs) to open up education. This framework proposes a wide definition of the term ‘open education’, which accommodates different uses, in order to promote transparency and a holistic approach to practice. It goes beyond OER, MOOCs and open access to embrace 10 dimensions of open education. The framework can be used as a tool by HEI staff to help them think through strategic decisions: pedagogical approaches, collaboration between individuals and institutions, recognition of non-formal learning and different ways of making content available. Contemporary open education is mostly enabled by ICTs and because of this, there is almost limitless potential for innovation and reach, which in turn contributes to the modernisation of higher education in Europe.
Andreia Inamorato Dos Santos; Yves Punie; Jonatan Castaño Muñoz

European Union (JRC)

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Luxembourg

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER)
UNESCO developed recommendations for Member states to create a supporting policy environment for the development of Open Education and sharing Open Education Resources, with the aim of reaching the SDG 4.


- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- France

- No geographical focus
FAIR Principles
In 2016, the ‘FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship’ were published in Scientific Data. The authors intended to provide guidelines to improve the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. The principles emphasise machine-actionability (i.e., the capacity of computational systems to find, access, interoperate, and reuse data with none or minimal human intervention) because humans increasingly rely on computational support to deal with data as a result of the increase in volume, complexity, and creation speed of data.
A practical “how to” guidance to go FAIR can be found in the Three-point FAIRification Framework.


- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- EU

- No geographical focus
Journal article
Connecting various forms of Openness: seeking a stronger value proposition
This article is part of the Open and Online Education Trend Report in The Netherlands. It explores how different 'open' principles can work together in developing value. It focuses particularly in the overlap of Open education and Open science.
Nicolai van der Woert, Robert Schuwer, Martijn Ouwehand

Radboudumc Health Academy

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- The Netherlands

- No geographical focus
Journal article
Extending the Territory: From Open Educational Resources to Open Educational Practices
This article examines the findings of the recent OPAL report Beyond OER: Shifting Focus from Resources to Practices. In doing so, it defines current understanding of open educational resources and open educational practices, and highlights the shift from open content to open practice. The article includes a framework for supporting open educational practices. The conclusions emphasise that open access is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the opening of education, and foreshadows ongoing moves toward changes in educational architectures that promote increased uptake of open educational resources and wider application of open education.
Ulf-Daniel Ehlers

Baden-Wurttemberg Corporative State University

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Germany

- No geographical focus
Other publication (e.g. handbook, booklet, educational leaflet)
What is open data and how will the research community benefit from it on our open research platform?
This blog gives some background on Open Data and describes the details and benefits of this policy for authors, researchers, and the wider community.
Chris Routledge

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Providing researchers with the skills and competencies they need to practice Open Science
The Expert Group on Education and Skills under Open Science presents in this report a detailed study of the skills and competencies researchers need to practise Open Science. The report provides the results of a survey amongst researchers in Europe on their perceptions on Open Science policies and practices and then focuses on the specific skills researchers need for Open Science. The report concludes with policy recommendations for stakeholders at a European, national, and institutional level to raise awareness, train, support, and encourage researchers in Open Science
Conor O'Caroll; Berit Hyllseth; Rinske van den Berg; Ulrike Kohl; Caroline Lynn Kamerlin; et al.

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education
- Social Policy

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- EU

- No geographical focus
Journal article
Open access to scientific articles: a review of benefits and challenges
The Internet has fundamentally changed the publishing of scholarly peer reviewed journals, and the way readers find and access articles. Digital access is nowadays the norm, in particular for researchers. The Internet has enabled a totally new business model, Open Access (OA), in which an article is openly available in full text for anyone with Internet access. This article reviews the different options to achieve this, whether by journals changing their revenue structures from subscription to publishing charges, or authors utilizing a number of options for posting OA versions of article manuscripts in repositories. It also discusses the regrettable emergence of "predatory" publishers, who spam academics, and make money by promising them rapid publication with only the semblance of peer review. The situation is further discussed from the viewpoints of different stakeholders, including academics as authors and readers, practicing physicians and the general public.
Bo-Christer Björk

Hanken School of Economics

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- Finland

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Fostering successful policy engagements: recommendations for PhD and ECR schemes
This report shares some lessons from SSH Early Career Researchers' experiences during placements in policymaking organisations that do not routinely use SSH evidence. The authors share recommendations for logistical arrangements for such placements, how to effectively manage them, and issues to consider from theoretical points of view.
Sioned Haf; Stephanie A Hirmer; Rihab Khalid; Pip Roddis; Lauren Stabler; George Warren; Chris Foulds; Rosie Robison; Melanie Rohse


UK Energy Research Centre

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Shifting perspectives: insights from the energy policy fellowships
This report gives insights, including first-hand accounts and reflections, on 21 Policy Fellowships organised as part of the Energy-SHIFTS project. In these Fellowships, 21 policyworkers posed a problem relevant to their work and were matched with 3-6 SSH researchers. They then had conversations with them to discuss SSH insights into their problem. The report includes details of the process, reflections on the conversations, including on any policy impact.
Tessa de Geus; Nena Bode; Rosie Robison; Melanie Rohse; Chris Foulds; Aleksandra Wagner; Seweryn Krupnik; Maria Świątkiewicz-Mośny; Tadeusz Rudek; Hanna Kuittinen; Valnetina Lisi; Roger Søraa; Iryna Lunevich; Julia Wittmayer

Energy-SHIFTS (H2020)

Dutch Research Institute for Transitions, The Netherlands

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Human Geography
- Science & Tech. Studies
- Sociology

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- The Netherlands

- No geographical focus
Journal article
A communitysourced glossary of open scholarship terms
Open scholarship has transformed research, and introduced a host of new terms in the lexicon of researchers. The ‘Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Teaching’ (FORRT) community presents a crowdsourced glossary of open scholarship terms to facilitate education and effective communication between experts and newcomers.
Sam Parsons; Flávio Azevedo; Mahmoud M. Elsherif; Samuel Guay; Owen N. Shahim; et al.

University of Oxford

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Communication Studies
- Education

- Academic (e.g. research-centred resources such as scientific publications and presentations)

- United Kingdom

- No geographical focus
Living with Climate Change and Transforming our Cities – Share your views!
The website displays the call for participation for the two first series of focus groups lead by Debating Europe (FOE). The aim of the focus groups was to gather citizen’s perspectives, their hopes, concerns and ideas related to the Horizon Mission of 100
Julie Malaize


Friends of Europe - Debating Europe

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics
- Social Policy
- Sociology

- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- The Netherlands
Report (incl. public deliverables)
Climate action and the Renewed Social Contract
This briefing paper takes a close look at what climate, energy and sustainability mean for the Renewed Social Contract for Europe. Friends of Europe is committed to playing its part in promoting the participation of citizens and a broad range of stakeholders in the democratic and civic life of Europe, not least by defining a Renewed Social Contract for Europe.


Friends of Europe

- Energy
- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Co-creating the shift to clean mobility
This is the report of Friends of Europe’s first event of 2023 examined how the conditions can be created to enable all European citizens to have access to clean mobility, regardless of their income and location. The event was organised as part of Friends of Europe’s work
with the SSH CENTRE project, the new centre of excellence for the social sciences &
humanities (SSH) across the Horizon Europe Cluster 5: Climate, Energy and Mobility.
The project aims to create a bridge between research in SSH and policymaking,
promoting an integrated approach to the establishment of measures towards a just
transition to net-zero.


Friends of Europe

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Videos/audio and interactive materials
Co-creating the shift to clean mobility (video of the event)
This Policy insight marked the official launch of the SSH CENTRE (Social Sciences and Humanities for Climate, Energy and Transport Research Excellence) project. This debate looked at how to create the conditions for all European citizens to have access to clean mobility, regardless of their income and location.


Friends of Europe

- Energy
- Climate
- Mobility

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)
- Implementation (e.g. reports or presentations of case studies or real-life examples of how SSH research was put into practice)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
The European electricity market: fit for purpose?
This event report follows the Friends of Europe policy insight debate on Monday 27 March 2023, which brought respected voices from academia, the energy industry and the European Commission together to discuss the proposal to reform the EU’s electricity market.

Friends of Europe

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
World Energy Outlook 2023 – official Brussels launch
This event report follows the Brussels launch of the International Energy Agency’s 2023 World Energy Outlook, hosted by Friends of Europe on 25 October 2023. IEA Executive Director, Dr Fatih Birol, considered the full range of issues dominating the energy sector in
Europe, as delegates prepared to meet in Dubai for COP28.

Friends of Europe

- Mobility

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Climate and Energy Summit: integrated thinking for a climate-resilient Europe
This report includes the key points made during a one-day summit hosted by Friends of Europe in Brussels on 27 June 2023. The debates focused on how to accelerate Europe’s decarbonisation pathway and seize the benefits of clean technology solutions, in a way that is integrated, cross-sectoral and fair.

Friends of Europe

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Renovating Europe’s buildings – sharing the burden of energy efficiency and carbon savings costs
This report reflects the conversation during the Friends of Europe Policy Insight on ‘Renovating Europe’s buildings – sharing the burden of energy efficiency and carbon savings costs’ that took place online on 24 May 2022. The event was organised as part of the European Climate Pact.

Friends of Europe

- Energy
- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Videos/audio and interactive materials
Renovating Europe’s buildings – sharing the burden of energy efficiency and carbon savings costs
This is the video of the event "Renovating Europe’s buildings – sharing the burden of energy efficiency and carbon savings costs". Speakers discussed how the EU, national and local public authorities can collaborate with the private sector and EU citizens to ensure that the energy efficiency of our buildings is swiftly improved, while not putting the burden of cost solely on the shoulders of EU citizens.

Friends of Europe

- Energy

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Missing pieces to a circular economy closing the loop by reimagining consumption
Taking place as part of the SSH CENTRE, the event explored the current challenges that hinder a transition to a circular economy. This is the report that followed the event.


Friends of Europe

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Videos/audio and interactive materials
Missing pieces to a circular economy: closing the loop by reimagining consumption (video of the event)
This debate organised in May 2023 looked into how policy can ease the barriers to repair, as well as provide information and incentives to all market actors to make circular economy-consistent decisions.


Friends of Europe

- Climate

- Environmental Social Science
- Politics

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Belgium

Report (incl. public deliverables)
Past project review: vulnerable groups impacted by transition policies
This is a review and analysis of 27 past and present energy and mobility transition initiatives at local, regional, national, and international level (25 in Europe, 1 each in Canada and Australia). It was carried out, to understand what the level of involvement and consideration of the different identified vulnerable groups have been, along with how these initiatives have inflicted negative effects on some parts of society.
Miquel Anglada; Alba del Campo; Federica Giardina

TANDEM (Horizon Europe)

Associació Ecoserveis

- Energy
- Mobility

- Economics
- Environmental Social Science
- Gender
- Human Geography
- Social Policy
- Sociology

- Policy (policy-oriented resources like policy briefs or recommendations
- position statements aimed at various levels of policymakers)

- Spain